William Kelts Family

William P. Kelts, son of Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Preston Kelts, was born Dec. 24, 1879 at Pelican Rapids, Minnesota.

William graduated from Carleton College in 1908. While at Carleton he won the Minnesota State oratorical contest and placed third in the nation. It was while he was there that he decided to become a minister. He studied for three years at Hartford Seminary. He became a Congregational minister with parishs in Nebraska, Montana, North Dakota and Minnesota.>

His first charge was at Cambridge where he later married Millicent Mehlum of Brainerd, Minnesota in 1913. Millicent was a school teacher. They had one daughter Helen (1914).

Reverend Kelts passed away December 21, 1939. He must have been well respected in the community as ministers of four different faiths took part in his funeral services. Mrs. Kelts lived for some years after.

Their daughter Helen attended MacAlester College and became a music teacher and a professional musician. She married Benjamin Davis in 1934 and in 1935 a son William was born. Helen remarried Russell Sorenson in 1941.


Her son Bill married Loretta Treptow in 1957 and they have four sons: Marshall, Erick, Matthew and Kelly. Bill received a P.H.D. from the University of Texas and became a research scientist in the field of mycology (study of fungi). His son Marshall, is a mining engineer. Marshall married Jennifer Trachil in 1985.